Organizaciones y Universidades Pro Etica
Regiones Internacionales
African region websites:
Americas' Accountability/Anti - Corruption Project
Anti-Corruption Knowledge Centre
Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Countries
Asian and Australasian websites:
- The International Business Ethics Institute is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational organisation. It was established to address the need for a transnational approach to business ethics. It is headquartered in Washington, with regional offices in London and Brazil.
- EBEN is a not-for-profit association, supported by some of Europe's leading companies. Its aim is to promote values-based and ethically-aware management.
Canadian Government ethics offices:
The Center for Public Integrity - a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, whose mission is to examine public service and ethics-related issues.
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs It is a nonpartisan organization focusing on research and education on the intersection of ethics and international affairs.
The College of Inspectors General of Morroco
The Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) - has a focus on expanding communication among governmental ethics agencies and commissions. It has compiled, published and updated annually a collection of data about existing ethics agencies.
Documents available on-line:
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) Code of Good Practices of Fiscal Transparency
The Ethics Center is a clearinghouse on the web. It focuses on ethical cases, methodology, problem-solving and ethics networks. It is connected to the Taknosys Software Corporation, which designs software that provides training and facilitation packages on ethics training and ethical decision-making.
Ethics and Justice Society A cyber-group of likeminded individuals wit a shared interest in ethics, justice, and politics. The aim is to contribute to the establishment of an international ethical community
Ethics Resource Center fosters ongoing collaboration and cooperation among business, government, non-profit educational and organizational ethics communities.
EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
The Forum on Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in the Public Sector
The Global Corruption Report 2001
Grupo de Estudio Contra la Corrupcion
INTOSAI (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
International Society of Business, Economics & Ethics (ISBEE) International Society of Business Economics & Ethics. The aim of the society is to advance the debate on the ethical dimension of business and economics on an international basis.
The Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics is a public-genefit, nonpartisan, nonprofit membership organization founded in otder to improve the ethical quality of society by advocating ethical decision making and principled reasoning.
Law related:
- Legal Ethics - - offers the legal profession links and references to ethics rules, regulations, and articles relating to the integration of the Internet into the practice of law.
- National Organization of Bar Counsel - non-profit organization of attorneys who, serving as legal counsel to courts and bar associations, enforce ethical rules of professional conduct on attorneys.
- Business and Professional Ethics Journal (University of Florida)
Email: - Business and Society Review, (Bentley College, Massachusetts)
Email : - Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal
- Ethics and Justice Society. A cyber-group of likeminded individuals wit a shared interest in ethics, justice, and politics. The aim is to contribute to the establishment of an international ethical community. The EJS publishes an on-line ethics journal.
(AAAS Scientific Freedom, Responsibility and Law Program)
Standing Committee on Extortion and Bribery (ICC)
Transparency International An international organisation which aims to reduce the incidence of grand corruption - that is, corrutpion which affects decision-making at a governmental level. It targetd not only those who accept bribes, but those who pay.
UN Global Programme Against Corruption
United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UN ODCCP)
United Nations Office of Internal Oversight (UNOIOS)
US Department of Commerce - Anti-Corruption Review
United States Office of Government Ethics
United States Office of Government Ethics - Newsletter
United States General Accounting Office
University-based ethics websites
- Key Centre for Ethics Law Justice & Governance (Griffith University, Australia.)
- Ethics@Harvard.Edu (Harvard University)
- Princeton University Center for Human Values (Princeton University) Offers courses and seminars on ethics and human values.
- Centre for Applied Ethics (Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Ethics on the World Wide Web (California State University, School of Communications)
- Program in Ethics and the Professions (Harvard University)
- University of British Columbia, Centre for Applied Ethics. Focuses on research in applied ethics, supporting curse with a significant ethical component and acting as a community resource. Provides opportunities for academics, practitioners and others to share their research and theories on moral issues of the day.
- (University of San Diego)
- International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life (Brandeis University, Jerusalem).
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (Santa Clara University).
- US Department of Commerce - Anti-Corruption Review
- Illinois Board of Ethics
- Los Angeles City Ethics Commission - campaign finance disclosure, lobbying program, and governmental ethics.
- Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices - includes printable candidate, political committee, lobbyist, and PAC registration forms and reports.
- South Carolina
World Bank Group - Anti-Corruption Knowledge Resource Center
World Bank Institute Governance & Anti-Corruption (WBI)
Through rigorous and participatory action-oriented learning and capacity-building tools, WBI's Governance program supports countries in improving governance and controlling corruption. Using a strategic and integrative multidisciplinary approach, the program applies action-learning methods to link empirical diagnostic surveys and their practical application; collective action; and prevention and systemic approaches to good governance. Results on the ground are emphasized in learning programs, which are supported by operational research and a databank.
World Trade Organisation - Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement Practices