Análisis No Paramčtrico de Tablas Cruzadas
Blanco y Asociados
Análisis No Paramètrico de Tablas Cruzadas
Aplicaciones Estadísticas
Biblioteca I
Biblioteca II
Cálculo de Análisis de Varianza
Cálculo de la T
Correlación y Regresión
Decisiones Estadísticas
Determinantes sociales de la salud
Enlaces y Prontuarios
Estadisticas Descriptivas
Estadisticas Inferenciales
Estadisticas Interactivas
Glosario Estadistico
Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo
Libros Estadisticas y Metodologia
Métodos de Investigación
Números al Azar
Organizaciones y Universidades Pro Etica
Psicología y Salud Mental
Revistas y Estadísticas de Administración Pública
Salud Pública
Salud Pública Africana
Salud Pública Preventiva
Servicios Profesionales
Valores criticos de la F
Valores criticos de la T
El Tiempo
Contingency Tables, Cross-tabs, Chi-Square Tests... [return to Table of Contents]
(Ordinal by Ordinal, 5-by-5 table or less)
- Chi-Square tests...
- 2-by-2 table analysis (Chi-square, Fisher Exact Test, sensitivity, odds ratio, relative risk, difference in proportions, number needed to treat, etc.) with confidence intervals. Also see Andrew Mackinnon's DAG_Stat -- an Excel spreadsheet that contains even more quantities (with confidence intervals) that can be derived from a 2x2 table).
- EpiMax Table Calculator -- similar to the above, but with a clearer screen layout.
- for 2-by-2 table, by Fisher Exact, and by Chi Square (with and without Yates' correction), with a good explanation
- for 2-by-2 table
- 2-by-2 table analysis (Chi Square, Fisher Exact, difference in proportions, risk ratio, odds ratio, theta, log-odds ratio, Poisson test)
- for 2-by-N table, where the two rows represent dichotomies like lived/died, present/absent, yes/no. This can test for a trend in the probability of an event when you have counts of the two categories over a set of time intervals.
- for table up to about 30 cells
- Chi-square Test for Relationship -- for up to a 6-by-6 cross-tab.
- for up to 10-by-10 tables. This page also has a section for comparing observed with explicitly-specified frequencies.
- for any-size table
- another for any-size table
- another for any-size table (When you get to the Rweb page, scroll down to the Analysis Menu and select Two Way.)
- Exhaustive analysis of 2-by-2 tables, with Pearson Chi-square, Likelyhood Ratio Chi-Square, Yates Chi-square, Mantel Haenszel Chi-square, Odds Ratio, Log Odds Ratio, Yules-Q, Yules-Y, Phi-square, Pearson correlation, and McNemar Test
- Paired Proportion Test -- for testing whether the proportion of subjects having some characteristic is the same in two matched groups or in one group before and after some intervention. (Also can test against a null hypothesis specifying some non-zero difference.)
- Also see the Evidence-Based-Medicine (EBM) calculator in the "Biostatistical Calculators" section of the "Other Statistical Tests and Analyses" section of this page.
- Three-dimensional Tables (2x2x2)...
- Three-dimensional 2x2x2 table
- Log-Linear Analysis for a 2x2x2 Table of Cross-Categorized Frequency Data [Calculates the values of G2 for first- and second-order interaction effects for a table of observed frequency data cross-classified according to three categorical variables, A, B, and C, each of which has two levels or subcategories (a1, a2; b1, b2; c1, c2)]
- Fisher Exact tests for contingency tables...
- Fisher exact (2x2)
- Fisher exact (2x2)
- Fisher exact (2x2)
- Fisher Exact, with good Help discussion
- Fisher Exact (2x5)
- Exact unconditional homogeneity/independence tests for 2-by-2 tables
(said to be more powerful than the Fisher exact test!) - Test differences between two observed proportions, based on the Binomial distribution
- Contingency table for sequenced categories (Ordinal by Ordinal, 5-by-5 table or less)
- Contingency table for sequenced categories, 5-by-2 table, with exact probability calculations
- Spearman's correlation from cross-tabbed data with sequenced row and column categories
- McNemar's test to analyze a matched case-control study, with a good explanation
- McNemar's test for paired contingency tables
- Exact Bayes test for independence in r by c contingency tables -- Can also handle comparison of observed-vs-expected, and observed-vs-uniform situations.
- Comparison of ratings or rankings by different raters...
- Friedman test for comparing rankings (Ordinal by Nominal)
- Quantify agreement with kappa -- assesses how well two observers, or two methods, classify subjects into groups. For up to a 12-by-12 table.
- Cohen's Kappa for comparing the way two raters scored each of a number of items, using case-by-case data entry
- Another Cohen's Kappa, for case-by-case data
- Another Cohen's Kappa, using already-tabulated data
- Kappa for nominal data as concordance between multiple raters -- Each of several raters puts each of several entities into one of several categories
- Intraclass correlation for concordance between multiple raters, using a data matrix that tells how each rater scored each case
- Chi-Square test for equality of distributions
- Chi-Square "Goodness of Fit" test for observed vs expected counts (NOT from Contingency Tables)...
- Chi Square test -- takes observed values, and expected values that can be specified as expected occurrences, or percentages or fractions of the total. Data can be typed in or copied and pasted.
- Chi-Square test
- Chi-Square test
- Chi-Square test (for up to 8 categories)
- Chi-Square test for up to 10 categories. This page also has a section for up to a 10-by-10 contingency table