Calculators, Plotters, Function Integrators, and Interactive Programming Environments
Descriptive Statistics, Histograms, Charts
Statiscope -- a beautifully-implemented page for calculating and displaying a large number of descriptive statistics from a set of numbers you enter
WebStat (an integrated applet) can generate summary statistics, as well as histograms, stem and leaf plots, boxplots, dotplots, parallel coordinate plots, means plots, scatterplots, QQ plots, and time series plots
Descriptive Sampling Statistics -- Enter up to 80 numbers; this page will calculate the mean, variance, SD, CV, skewness and kurtosis.
Descriptive Statistics -- Enter up to 80 values; page calculates: N, mean, variance, SD, CV, skewness, kurtosis, SEM, median, min, max, range, 1st & 3rd quartiles, interquartile range, quartile deviation, coeff of quartile var, and absolute deviation.
Measuring for Accuracy-- Given a set of observed and predicted values, this page calculates the SD of errors, mean absolute & relative error, and Durbin-Watson statistic.
Rweb - extensive tabular and graphical descriptive summarization: mean, quartiles, histograms, scatterplot matrices (with smoothers), QQ plots (normal and pairwise), time series, box plots. (When you get to the Rweb page, scroll down to the Analysis Menu and select Summary.)
The Data Applet provides descriptive statistics, histograms, boxplots, and scatterplots
Detect Outliers -- this calculator performs Grubbs' test, also called the ESD method (extreme studentized deviate), to determine whether one of the values in the list you enter is a signficant outlier from the rest. Also contains an excellent discussion of what to do about outliers.
Combine Subgroups -- calculate the mean and SD of a combination of groups from the N, mean and SD of each group.
Basic descriptive statistics (mean, sum of squares, variance, standard deviation, minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, and maximum for up to 500 numbers
Multinomial Distributions -- Enter up to 12 values and their corresponding probabilities, and this page will calculate Expected Value, Variance, Standard Deviation, & Coefficient of Variation
Paired Data Sets Statistics -- Enter up to 28 sample paired data sets, and this page will calculate means, variances, and covariance
Histogram -- Enter up to 80 numbers, and this page will display a histogram.
Histogram -- type in or upload a data set or give a URL; submit; returns a colored histogram that you can copy from the page; also does polygons and cumulative
Point Pattern Analysis -- used to describe and help analyze point patterns. It consists of 14 different analysis routines for a variety of basic descriptive statistics: nearest neighbor analysis, K-function, space-time Knox, Join-Count statistics, Global Moran%u2019s I and Geary%u2019s c, general Getis-Ord%u2019s G, local K-function, and more.
Compute Poisson change-point, that is: estimate when, in a long sequence of occurrences, the occurrence rate underwent a sudden change
Boxplot -- type in or upload a data set, or give a URL; submit; returns a colored boxplot that you can copy from the page
Parallel Boxplot -- type in or upload a bivariate data set with a continuous variable and a group indicator; submit; returns a colored parallel boxplots that you can copy from the page
Q-Q Plot -- type in or upload a data set, or give a URL; submit; returns a colored q-q plot that you can copy from the page